
Picking the Right Sailboat - A catamaran resting in a picturesque marina

Picking the Right Sailboat? Essential Factors to Consider: A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Right Boat for Your Next Adventure

Explore the World on Your Own Terms, if You Con­sid­er These Impor­tant Fac­tors When You First Com­mit to Pick­ing the “Just Right For You” Sail­boat! There’s noth­ing quite like the free­dom of set­ting sail on the open seas, with the wind in your hair and the world at your feet. Whether you’re a sea­soned sailor […]

Picking the Right Sailboat? Essential Factors to Consider: A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Right Boat for Your Next Adventure Read More »

Free Sailing Downloads

Planning Our First Sailing Trip as Newbies

We bought a boat! Then, we bought anoth­er one. Very unortho­dox, right? So, we have two thir­­ty-six foot sail­boats and zero sail­ing expe­ri­ence. Not bad for sail­ing new­bies! We’ve got­ten over the first hur­dle (buy­ing a boat) twice. Our first sail­boat, a ketch-rigged Allied Princess needs bot­tom paint, a motor, and a new stuff­ing box.

Planning Our First Sailing Trip as Newbies Read More »

A Journey of a Thousand Steps

A Journey of a Thousand Miles

A Jour­ney of a Thou­sand Miles Begins Now!   Accord­ing to Lao Tzu, “A jour­ney of a thou­sand miles begins with one step.”  Well, we have been in a hold­ing pat­tern wait­ing for that first step- get­ting our sail­boat on the hard. For over a month, the promise of next Tues­day has kept us hold­ing our breath

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Read More »

Sailing in Florida on Gulf Coast Making Jump: Liveaboard Sailing Lifestyle

Liveaboard Sailing Lifestyle: Where to Begin

Live­aboard Sail­ing- Let the jour­ney begin! Where do you start when your goal becomes mak­ing the jump to the live­aboard sail­boat lifestyle?  For us, it began when we first heard the call of the sea. We decid­ed there is no oth­er place on earth we would rather be than cra­dled in the waves of the ocean.

Liveaboard Sailing Lifestyle: Where to Begin Read More »